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samochodziki robiÄ… brum brum

Ow my, this one is a dousey...

Back when I created this website I had few some small projects that was working on. Unfortunately I dropped all of them...

Below are some things that I made. I will post more when my creative self returns


I know it's boring and out of date, but I want to start from it. Link below leads to my small project for which I commited 2.5 years of my life. It's a dataset of used/new/scalped GPU prices between 07.2020 - 03.2023. I spent roughly 500h (on average 2.5h every 5 days) on browsing listings for 62 different GPU models and diligently writing them down into a spredsheet. Somehow I made a small community around it. With a bit over 1k followers, few articles in Polish tech press and shoutouts from Polish tech tubers. Someone even used it in his master's thesis. NGL it's been a while since I looked back at this. I'm proud of stubborn younger me on how I handled it. If i was to redo this, probably the only thing i would change is to add option to "buy me a coffee" for my work.

Ow, the links, I almost forgor:

Here are all entries

Here's my first entry

Here's my last entry

It's all in Polish, sorry. If you're curious, here is the raw data. Do with it what you want, 1.5 years after the fact it has no value anyway.

CD bootlegs

Yeah, I made some. Turns out many niche micro artists just don't do physical releases. Or I was late for their limited releases. Currently I made 3 designs, one is paused and one Is just an idea in my head.

Already made (todo, add pictures)

Below are designs that I "made". Yeah, made in quotes, because:

  1. Symphony of the Sheperdess is just an official art on front, the same art without text on CD and AI generated image as a background for an afwul track list. Part of me wants to redo the back, other part wants to leave it as a "showcase of my skills at the time".
  2. Ultrakill ACT 2 OST is just a mashup of various official art pieces from the game. Small color edits here and there, but it's nothing special. It's my first design where I tried to make a spline. Got it backwards.
  3. Moe Shop pool mix is a similar story to earlier duo. Two images are an official artworks. Third (front) is just me paying someone to make a drawing in similar style to what I got. This time I got the spline right. For this one I also worked on the music. There's no such thing as "Moe shop - pool mix". This CD is a compilation from his 2 Liveshows. Here's first and Here's second

The one in the making

It all started when I bought a CD. Context: I'm actively looking for CDs with music made by Masayoshi Takanaka. To make it harder I limit myself to listings in my country. Someone posted for sale a mix up. Jewel case for Takanaka's Saudade album with a Seychelles CD inside. Of course I bought it. Then it struck me - "There's no way someone is going to sell me just a CD or a jewel case. I will make my own". I decided that I will embrace the bootleg nature and just make it as goofy as possible, while remotely resembling the real thing. Pic below shows a vinyl label of Takanaka's Saudade album and my attempt at "recreating it"

img here

I think you can tell which one is which. I dropped it only because more important matters appeared in my life. So maybe.... just maybe.... I will get back to it and have it done by the end of the year. Will let you know.

samochodziki robiÄ… brum brum

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