Back when I created this website I had few some small projects that was working on. Unfortunately I dropped all of them...
Below are some things that I made. I will post more when my creative self returns
I know it's boring and out of date, but I want to start from it. Link below leads to my small project for which I commited 2.5 years of my life. It's a dataset of used/new/scalped GPU prices between 07.2020 - 03.2023. I spent roughly 500h (on average 2.5h every 5 days) on browsing listings for 62 different GPU models and diligently writing them down into a spredsheet. Somehow I made a small community around it. With a bit over 1k followers, few articles in Polish tech press and shoutouts from Polish tech tubers. Someone even used it in his master's thesis. NGL it's been a while since I looked back at this. I'm proud of stubborn younger me on how I handled it. If i was to redo this, probably the only thing i would change is to add option to "buy me a coffee" for my work.
Ow, the links, I almost forgor:
It's all in Polish, sorry. If you're curious, here is the raw data. Do with it what you want, 1.5 years after the fact it has no value anyway.
Yeah, I made some. Turns out many niche micro artists just don't do physical releases. Or I was late for their limited releases. Currently I made 3 designs, one is paused and one Is just an idea in my head.
Below are designs that I "made". Yeah, made in quotes, because:
It all started when I bought a CD. Context: I'm actively looking for CDs with music made by Masayoshi Takanaka. To make it harder I limit myself to listings in my country. Someone posted for sale a mix up. Jewel case for Takanaka's Saudade album with a Seychelles CD inside. Of course I bought it. Then it struck me - "There's no way someone is going to sell me just a CD or a jewel case. I will make my own". I decided that I will embrace the bootleg nature and just make it as goofy as possible, while remotely resembling the real thing. Pic below shows a vinyl label of Takanaka's Saudade album and my attempt at "recreating it"
img hereI think you can tell which one is which. I dropped it only because more important matters appeared in my life. So maybe.... just maybe.... I will get back to it and have it done by the end of the year. Will let you know.